A little freshness with these translucent glass earrings in soft summer colors and warmth at the same time, because they inspire the sunny beauty of summer, don't they? A hint of wind and they'll be dangling languorously from your ears!
Which pair will be yours? The inevitable blazing yellow seasonal sunlight, fruity earrings like little bananas worthy of a Warhol album, pretty hanging mangoes in gradated colors, pearled strawberries, or tropical pineapples? Would you prefer country flowers: Marguerite to sing the song of the flowers (he loves me a little bit ...) or cheerful orange flowers or petals or tricolored white, red and blue petals with soft yellow pistils? Would you prefer the gentle swaying of the blue birds in your ears, reminding you that it's mating season ... Unless your heart takes you to the enchantment of the seas and oceans, where the dolphins present you with these magnificent transparent fish, these little lobsters and these purple seahorses with their silver reflections.